Sunday, May 9, 2010

I took this photo at a local football match between the different wards of our church. It was Launceston West & Launceston East vs. Deloraine, Devonport & Burnie. My Mum's old best friend, Fiona Harding, came along to take some pictures. She knew I was a little interested in photography and let me have a play with her SLR. I took plenty of photos but this was the best one by far. I was glad that I got so much squished into the photo. Jack's leg is still in up, the ball is at the top of the photo and Luke is in midair trying to block. Then in the background I've got the other players and one even looks as if he's disappionted that the goal may go in. Fiona then edited this photo for me and put the 'Tayla Christie Photography' on it.


  1. Hmmmm Miss T..........I'm not sure about that "old" description of me!!!

  2. A great action shot- you have it all: the players, the ball, the desperation (guy with hands on his head) and movement (without blurring). You have done well to show most faces. A wonderful shot- the only thing missing for this footy shot is mud and awful weather! Well done!
